What Type of Automatic Scrubber Do I Need?
What Type of Automatic Scrubber Do I Need? In last week's blog , we discussed on why we should scrub and the basic inner workings of the automatic floor scrubber. This week, we will go into detail of how to pick the right scrubber based on the size of the area that needs to be cleaned. Also, do you need a rider or walk-behind, disk or cylindrical? Size When it comes to deciding on what size of floor scrubber to purchase, there are a number of things to consider. 1. Square footage needed to be cleaned. Primary and secondary. 2. Storage area 3. Size of the fill/dump location/Doorways/Elevators When determining the square footage, there is more to consider than just the largest areas needing to be cleaned. To get the most use out of your investment, you may want to think about some of the smaller spaces too. For example, a school may have in mind purchasing a machine to clean the gymnasium or the hallways. The larger the scrub path, the quicker ...